Top 20 Protozoa Quiz
Top 20 Protozoa Quiz
1. The causative organism of Gambian fever
- a) Leishmania
- b) Trypanosoma
- c) Amoeba
- d) Entamoeba
2. Name the rectal ciliate
- a) Paramecium
- b) Plasmodium
- c) Opalina
- d) Actinophrys
3. ‘Aristotle lantern is seen in
- a) Antedon
- b) Starfish
- c) Echinus
- d) Ophiothrix
4. The connecting link between annelids and arthropods are
- a) Nereis
- b) Belostoma
- c) Peripatus
- d) Balanus
5. The animal which causes parasitic castration is
- a) Eupagurus
- b) Sacculina
- c) Crab
- d) Lepisma
6. The first larvae of Penaeus
- a) Zoea
- b) Nauplius
- c) Mysis
- d) Protozoa
7. Name the mushroom coral
- a) Favia
- b) Fungia
- c) Madrepora
- d) Aurelia
8. Name of the phylum to which ‘Arrow worms’ belong to
- a) Rotifera
- b) Hemichordata
- c) Chaetognatha
- d) Annelida
9. Which of the following is an arachnid ectoparasite?
- a) Spider
- b) Scorpion
- c) Daphnia
- d) Tick
10. The function of contractile vacuole
- a) Nutrition
- b) Reproductions
- c) Osmoregulation
- d) Locomotion
11. Mention the class of Echinococcus
- a) Cestoda
- b) Trematoda
- c) Turbellaria
- d) Nematodes
12. The larva of the palatoglossus
- a) Planule
- b) Trochophore
- c) Tornaria
- d) Veliger
13. The reproductive zooids of the obelia colony
- a) Hydrotheca
- b) Perisarc
- c) Blastostyle
- d) manubrium
14. Example of Cyclostomata
- a) Petromyzon
- b) Ascidia
- c) Amphioxus
- d) Narcine
15. Malaria is transmitted through
- a) Female Culex mosquito
- b) Female anopheles mosquito
- c) Female Aedes mosquito
- d) None of the above
16. Chikungunya is a
- a) Bacterial disease
- b) Viral disease
- c) Fungal infection
- d) None of the above
17. Earthworms used in vermicomposting
- a) Eisenia foetida, Perionyx excavators, Eudrilus eugineae
- b) Pheretima Posthuma & Megascolex Mauritius
- c) Bombyx mori & Apis indica
- d) None of the above
18. Internal buds of sponges produced during adverse conditions
- a) Archaeocytes
- b) Osculum
- c) Micropyle
- d) Gemmule
19. Cnidoblast are found in
- a) Cnidaria
- b) Protista
- c) Porifera
- d) Placozoa
20. Liver rot is caused by
- a) Ascaris
- b) Fasciola
- c) Planaria
- d) Bipalium